What will Travel and Covid-19 (Coronavirus) be like in 2020-2021?
Travelling after the coronavirus won’t be the same. At least for some time. What we know at Travel and Abroad is that your travel pictures will only get better. So with in all this crisis we have our hopes in the future. And therefore stay positive that Travel and Covid-19 (Coronavirus) will soon be less of a problem.
Now we face hard times
In the tourism industry, many countries don’t allow travelling or flying, some are even in quarantine, like us in Spain. When things calm down, borders open, airlines restored and hotels bookable we will experience mayor differences in the way we travel. Some will be for the better and others for the worse.
Here are some examples:
Packing differently
Will probably be our first example when thinking about what to take on our trip. Besides your normal luggage you will probably introduce some extra hygiene products, like gloves, mascs and alchol. This will cleverly isolate you in crowded places like the airport, which brings us to the next example.
Longer immigrations queue
Will result from the social distancing policies amongst other factors. One of the other most important factors is relevant to number of airlines available to Travel after Covid-19 (coronavirus). Hence most low-cost airlines are said to bankrupt after the pandemic.
Taking the train rather than the plane
This will be an option for many more right now. Not only due to social distancing but also (and hopefullly) since after covid-19 (coronavirus) we will have gained bigger environmental policies and personal ethics.
Prices and seasons will be subjective to national health
Hence tourism will probably be regulated by health authorities for some time. An influential paper from Imperial College London states that governments will need to activate and deactivate lockdown restrictions to keep health care systems on working levels.
Tourism will be a new experience
YES we left the best for the last! The time will come where lockdowns and restrictions are over and YES people can’t wait to go outside and leave their houses after such a long time. But being an “early adopter” in this scenario might be a controlled risk that may result in a unique travel experience, most of the main tourist attractions will be empty, landmarks and sights seeing spots freely available for great pictures and camera shots. Many places will introduce discounts to attract travellers and many more that we are still to discover.
We personally can´t wait to continue with our photography and photo tours, our cameras are prepared, the streets are empty and the sun is shinning!

Don’t miss our work on Instagram, you ll see what we are talking about, and if you like it here are some our our favorite: